
Optimal RESPONSE initiative


Whenever we respond to our own physical symptoms, thoughts and emotions, other people, and circumstances (which occur hundreds to thousands of times a day), we have a choice. And, that choice exists on a Continuum Response from worst to OPTIMAL.


What is ORI?

The Optimal Response Initiative (ORI) is exactly what it says: it’s about learning how to respond more optimally to life! The Optimal Continuum Response Line is a visual that illustrates the main goal of ORI: to identify where upon the line one is and in which direction one desires to move along the continuum regarding their response. Whether one is at a lower case better or a capital case BETTER is not as important as in which direction they are moving.  I liken ORI skills to replacing an on/off light switch (all on/all off; all right/all wrong; all good/all bad) with a dimmer switch. The great thing about a dimmer switch is if you still need to punch it “on” quickly, you can; however, most of the time in our everyday lives, a dimmer switch is more realistic because, depending on the context of a situation, one may need to dial their response up or down.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
— Victor Frankl

Our Power to Choose Our Response

In order to have the power to choose our response, we need to be well informed about the many components that influence our responses:

  • All areas of health (Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Spiritual - and Others)

  • Setting short-term and long-term goals in each area of health

  • Understanding the stress-response and how to effectively manage it

  • Understanding the at-rest response and how to efficiently implement it

  • Recognizing the influence of nature vs. nurture with personal application

  • Recognizing the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behavioral responses

  • Operating from an Internal Location of Control (Victor Mindset) vs. and External Location of Control (Victim Mindset)

  • Recognizing cycles and styles of relating with one’s self and others

  • Recognizing the power of expectation

  • Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries

  • Understanding the value, purpose, and process of emotions

  • Managing un-motivation and moving towards Optimal anyway

  • Continuing to move towards Optimal


are available upon enrollment in ORI On-Line Programs

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Optimal Response Initiative ORI Military Version

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